Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Final Turn!!! and some Dark Irregular Clan Discussions

Yes that's the title of this blogpost... and no i'm not qutting blogging. I'm actually coming back after not having anything to post for awhile. I've been working on deck builds using proxies and such because well why not. So I have also obtained most of my Dark Irregular deck and have noticed a lot of interesting things.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Atlanta Qualifier Report

I did relatively well but my losses were so sad... Sorry for the lull in posting recently I actually haven't had much to post on.

Anyway I was running my Narukami build and this is what went down.

Me vs Ergodiel Angel Feathers
I double healed in the beginning of the game and let Ergodiel persona blast early on simply because I needed the damage anyway. Game goes on and she eventually rides to Circular Saw and called out a Heal Trigger to boost a rearguard... I take damage up to 4 and she puts heal trigger back in.... On my 3rd turn I rode Thunder Break Dragon btw (hence why I needed the damage as I couldn't hit Ergodiel and had nothing to boost with). Once I got to 4 damage I saw she had 5 cards in hand and had 5 damage. Declared Final Turn... Swung in with just enough so that she couldn't save herself.

Me vs Soulless Think Tank
Having never before played against this deck I was at a major disadvantage to begin with especially when he started playing Apollons which really confused me as I had no idea what it even did. Lo and behold he makes two Silent Tom lines and I having no Grade 0's all game due to never seeing a trigger could only guard for so long. Eventually I just had nothing left to block with and lost.

Me vs Tsukuyomi
He gets the Superior Ride to his Grade 3 and starts going putting out as much pressure as he could. I dismantle his lines. He Rides over Tsukuyomi to Amaterasu and calls Red-Eye and Cocoa... He puts the card back on top.. Swings with Red-Eye first and I let that through because he misplayed putting his Chocolat into soul via Red-Eye. Then Amaterasu swings at my rearguard... I let it through not knowing that Amaterasu's ability can work no matter who it hits... He checks a Heal Trigger keeping me safe from the plus 4. From there he had no shield and I had a gigantic hand the entire game... Eventually got him to say no Guard at 5 damage and I won.

Me vs Shamshiel Angel Feather
This girl misplayed tons so much that I forgot to use Saishin to retire Turiel. In the long run I had lines far too big for Shamshiel to deal with eventually winning by constant hits to the dome.

Me vs Narukami (I really didn't want to play against another Narukami deck because I want it to win)
I get grade stuck at 2 and play out the game perfectly taking 0 damage until I draw Rising Phoenix which gets me Vermillion to match hers. Game goes on for a long time I have perfect lines and she has none. I've gotten rid of anything she put in the front row allowing me to save more hand cards... Eventually she has 0 cards in hand after blocking my major swing... I have 3 cards in hand but she has only a 19k Vermillion... She Top Decks Shiden... Shiden locks down one of my Intercepts... I block the Vermillion swing guarding for 2 triggers to pass... I'm thinking after seeing so many Critical triggers all game she wouldn't check more than 1... She double Crits with her last two Djinns in deck... I am 3k Shield Short of making it to the next round. This is the only instance where I can say there is blind-luck occasionally involved in Vanguard simply by merit of there being a deck from which you draw cards randomly.

Goes home got 0 trades and the swag I did get for entering was minimal so all in all a wasted day aside from the fact that I now know I am one of the top players in Georgia simply because My only real loss was due to having no chance to play against the deck and in 1 and done format you need a lot of prior knowledge but with my small local and equally local small scene I only have so many deck to play against... all I do know is I did three times as good as Ryan Vignetti and his Tier-Whoring Spectral Duke self only switching from Spike Brothers because he saw Spectral Duke top thankfully he isn't a good player.

Anyway I'll go again next year with more preparation and just win it completely leaving no room for my opponent to hope to survive.

One thing I am noticing is that people keep treating Cardfight like a business... I'm like I have a full guard from the same set as your Full Guard... You want my full guard I want your full guard I shouldn't have to throw in cards simply because it has more resell value only due to bandwagoning. Such as Halo Shield Mark compared to something like Hades Hypnotist... One is like 10-13 the other is like 30-35... Simply due to hype... I'm like if we both get what we want why are you going for value of a piece of cardboard... It's one of the things that ruined Yu-Gi-Oh to me thanks to dumb inflation on prices that makes certain cards worth more than others that you have the same chance to acquire simply due to hype... I bet when Gold Paladin's stop winning and something like Pale Moon begin to rape the Tournament scene due to sheer numbers Hades Hypnotist will top 30 and Halo Shield, Mark will drop to 10-13...

Anyway going to try and run Royal Paladin's for awhile and take a break from Narukami. Besides Doctor K signed my Vermillion so I guess I didn't go home empty handed after all.

College going well so far I should have about a 4.0 in terms of GPA which is great for first semester which is when people normally mess up the most. Just gotta hold that for two more tests in each class...

Anyway thanks for viewing I'll eventually have more to post later but it may take awhile in-between posts. I may soon make another Deck Discussion.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

AWA Vanguard fun

Anyway I went to Anime Weekend Atlanta and finished basically my Dark Irregular deck and had a few things stolen but ah well can't really get em back. My skill improved, I nearly beat the Spectral Duke deck that made top 4 with Narukami but got Grade stuck at 1 for too long and by time I could catch up he had amassed too much advantage. I held off Spectral Dukes second swing twice though. Any game I won that day I actually was able to declare Final Turn everytime quite decisively. One time I was able to declare Final Turn against a 4 damage 6 card hand... worked.

Obtained 4 Daiyusha for future use. Didn't get to enter the tourney but out of my packs pulled Pellinore, Shamshiel, Leo-Pald... Traded all of that away. Pellinore was really popular so I should have shopped around before trading it off.

Anyway I'm hoping to do this Draft Tourney this weekend if I can get there. A lot of people were building Pale Moon there which is a really good deck but one thing to remember... Don't waste a Berserk Dragon effect on the Girl who Crossed the Gap if I had that Counterblast open I could have Vermillion Thunderbolted twice. Also kill any Alice that hits the field all of them... IF running Goku... Snipe out Midnight Bunnies and run over Any Grade 3 they put at Rearguard (In the Sword Magician, Sara build) Against Lequier swing in madly early game so you can get back that advantage late game. As Narukami don't put Saishin behind the Vanguard against them even though they have a Retire Target unless you can ride a Garuda.