Tuesday, October 2, 2012

AWA Vanguard fun

Anyway I went to Anime Weekend Atlanta and finished basically my Dark Irregular deck and had a few things stolen but ah well can't really get em back. My skill improved, I nearly beat the Spectral Duke deck that made top 4 with Narukami but got Grade stuck at 1 for too long and by time I could catch up he had amassed too much advantage. I held off Spectral Dukes second swing twice though. Any game I won that day I actually was able to declare Final Turn everytime quite decisively. One time I was able to declare Final Turn against a 4 damage 6 card hand... worked.

Obtained 4 Daiyusha for future use. Didn't get to enter the tourney but out of my packs pulled Pellinore, Shamshiel, Leo-Pald... Traded all of that away. Pellinore was really popular so I should have shopped around before trading it off.

Anyway I'm hoping to do this Draft Tourney this weekend if I can get there. A lot of people were building Pale Moon there which is a really good deck but one thing to remember... Don't waste a Berserk Dragon effect on the Girl who Crossed the Gap if I had that Counterblast open I could have Vermillion Thunderbolted twice. Also kill any Alice that hits the field all of them... IF running Goku... Snipe out Midnight Bunnies and run over Any Grade 3 they put at Rearguard (In the Sword Magician, Sara build) Against Lequier swing in madly early game so you can get back that advantage late game. As Narukami don't put Saishin behind the Vanguard against them even though they have a Retire Target unless you can ride a Garuda.

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